I am seeking to set up weather stations that enable separating the sensors by the distance required to give good accuracy. Many weather stations do not enable you to do this. I would like to set up a few of them in my region to collect weather data to provide a (non for profit) service to help get more weather stations in the area to help communities.
It would be good to have the temperature and humidity sensor at about 1.5 meters above the ground in an instrument shelter. However, I would like a grass temperature sensor that could be mounted about 2 meters away from the shelter. A rain gauge is best about 2 meters away from the shelter as well and its position would need to vary depending on the station location. If it is an exposed area without wind breaks, the gauge may be best near the ground. However, if there are trees that could block the rain, the gauge may be better about 2 meters above the ground. The anemometer and wind vane would need to be on a mast about 10 meters high. These may not be needed in some areas that are not exposed to the wind and not having them could save costs. A barometer sensor could be in the weatherproof box containing the data logger.
Does anyone know of any accurate weather stations that enable this and what they would cost?
Another option is to just buy a data logger and connect weather sensors that I choose. I am wondering if that could also work out to be more cost effective.
My current system does this already. However, I am wondering if there is something already made up that could be both accurate and more cost effective.
Currently I have a system that samples voltages between 0 and 5 volts on 10 input ports and I have software that lists each voltage sample in a table in a text file containing 10 columns that can be opened in Microsoft Excel and pasted into a file with formulas to calculate the values for temperature, rainfall, light, wind direction and wind speed. The file also generates graphs of the information which are linked below. Currently, my software records the voltage from each input every half a second so that each hour there are about 7200 lines of data in the file. My current system can therefore sample data from 10 different weather sensors. However, it uses old technology so if I use a similar system I would need a logger with several ports to connect to the USB port of a computer.
If I use this method, I am wondering if you know of a suitable low cost logger that connects to USB and if there are computer programs already made that enable sampling the data like I am currently doing as explained above, and if so, what could they cost? Would it be easy to find or write a program to do this and do you know who could do it for me? I assume these would all work on Windows 7 and above.
It would be good to get a logger that will wirelessly connect to a USB port of a computer about 100 meters away. If they are much more expensive than a system that has to connect to the computer by a USB cable, it could be better to have the computer also in a box outside near the weather station and then wirelessly connect to a router.
I prefer software to graph out the measurements and keep a record of the graphs indefinitely in an archive. Only one weather measurement per graph is better. Some software programs graph out different measurements like wind speed and temperature on the one graph and it is confusing. However, temperature and dew point temperature could occur on the one graph and average wind speed and maximum wind gusts are good on the one graph. I prefer a graph with darker grid lines for every 5 degrees Celsius and lighter lines for every 1 degree. Many do not contain the lighter lines and it makes it harder to get an accurate reading. Please see an example of my existing charts at graphs . Graphs could be joined. However, the reset times for the measurement need to start at 9AM for most records like rainfall and temperature. Graphs in many software programs go from midnight to midnight which is not good because the rainfall totals and temperature records do not match the BoM records. Graphs are best labeled with either maximum/minimum measurements or the accumulated rainfall for the 24 hour recording period starting from 9AM. It would be good to offset and calibrate the readings in the software so the sensor readings match the readings of very accurate instruments. To do this, accurate instruments like the BoM use could be placed beside the sensors and the software calibrated to the readings of the accurate instruments. I am wondering if there is any software that enables what I describe above? My graphs are generated from Microsoft Excel. But, it can be time consuming to manage and also correct and delete false or missed readings. A table or graph of daily totals over the months would also be of great benefit.
Regards Richard.