3.5inch Display Module Touch LCD with Stylus for Raspberry Pi 3 (CE04868)

This is a placeholder topic for “3.5inch Display Module Touch LCD with Stylus for Raspberry Pi 3” comments.

This little display is perfect for a dedicated, simple Raspberry Pi touch-interface. Simply plug it onto the Pi’s GPIO and execute the provided installation command.

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What chipset does this display use for the LCD and the Touch IC ?

Hey, @Bill654
Touch is handled by an HR2046 4-wire controller.
The user-input is three chained shift-registers (595)

As for whatever chipset may/may not be present on the LCD’s own ribbon cable, I couldn’t say - finding out would be destructive.

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In this forum post, the writer deduces the controller might be a ILI9486L.

Is there a reason that this wont work with the zero or 2b?

A friend has this display (from Core) on a Pi 3 Model B running Raspian Stretch with Desktop.

He had a problem with installing the display drivers using the bash script (http://coreelec.io/2q) on the product page. I believe the the install script completed with errors (couldn’t fond 2 directories) and after reboot there was no display. He was able to SSH in and use the included LCD_hdmi script to revert to HDMI.

Since then he has sourced other drivers (LCD-show-170703.tar.gz) from WaveShare - 3.5inch RPi LCD and got them working. I could not tell if it was the files for their 3.5inch RPi LCD (A) or 3.5inch RPi LCD (B) screen, the latter is an IPS display. Update: it turns out that the driver set is the same for A and B models.

During online chat with Aidan, he suggested that your script was written for Jessie. Is there an issue running you drivers on Stretch?

He also asked me to post onto the forum.

  • (edited to update after looking at his LCD and Pi 3 in person and with more driver details)
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I was hoping to use this display for an Android Things project.

I have access to the SPI interface in Android Things (https://developer.android.com/things/sdk/pio/spi) but to start communicating with the display apparently I need to set the mode, frequency, bits per word and justification to that of the slave device.

Does anyone know what these would be for this screen?

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I have tried lcd_rotate=2 but it dosent do anything. If I use display_rotate=2 then the touch is inversed. Any suggestions?

Hi Isaac,

I found a thread where they solved this exact rotation problem you are having:

If that doesn’t work try reading through these:

Good luck with your project! Please let us know if that works out for you!


I got the screen last week, setup was quick and easy and it works well.

Just wondering if there are any thoughts on the best way to reduce the gap when mounting to a raspberry pi zero? (noob friendly ways if possible)

I was thinking, it looks like I could trim off the female section of the ‘riser’ and be left with with male pins, then fit the pi and this together with a ribbon cable, which would be closer the the form factor I’m aiming for anyway.

Any advice would be great, I’m not too keen on breaking my brand new screen and have’t moved from breadboard projects yet.


Hey Drew,

It sounds like you’ve got the answer to this one :grinning:. As long as the connections remain persistent on the pins that are required for the display (all 40 would be good practice) that would be the most suitable way to reduce the gap while maintaining a decent continuity (or you could use these more stubby headers as a substitute)

Core Electronics | Support

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Hey Bryce,

Thanks for for the info, I’ll have a go at trimming the headers.


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Hi, I’m interested in using one of these displays on a Pi Zero that already has a Neo 6M GPS attached. The GPS uses 5v, GND, TX and RX which are obscured by the display connector.

Any ideas on how I can run both on the zero at the same time ?

I’m a software guy, so I’d prefer a solution that doesn’t need soldering.


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Hi Dave,

Welcome to the forum!!!

I’d look no further than the HAT Hacker [HAT = Hardware Attatched on Top].

Or if you need something a bit smaller the Pico HAT hacker (not to be confused with the RPi Pico microcontroller).

One that isnt in stock at the moment would have been perfect: https://core-electronics.com.au/triple-gpio-expansion-board-w-hat-area.html
I also came across this HAT here which might be useful as well, Im not sure if there will be clearance for the screen over the DB9 plug though and it will require soldering.



Does anyone have a CAD model for this part?


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I’ve been attempting to get this display working (3.5inch Display Module Touch LCD with Stylus for Raspberry Pi Model B/B+ | Core Electronics Australia) on several different Raspberry Pi 4 model B

I initially followed the GitHub guide on the store page, however after I complete the final stage of the driver installation and execute “sudo ./LCD35-show”, the device successfully performs a reboot and the LCD screen turns on, only to then instantly display a black screen. It completely bricks the OS, and it will not display on a HDMI screen or connect to the network for SSH. Every time I attempted this, the result was the same.

Eventually I found a forum post here (3.5inch Display Module Touch LCD with Stylus for Raspberry Pi 3 (CE04868) - #5 by Michael57208), one of the replies suggested using the WaveShare - 3.5inch RPi LCD drivers instead. This method will turn the LCD on and actually begins to display text during the setup but it gets to the message
“[ ok ] Started NetworkM ript Dispatcher Service:”

And then it only displays a black screen with a flashing underscore. It doesn’t matter how many times I reboot it or if I plug it into a HDMi screen etc, it will never go beyond the blinking underscore and requires a new OS to work on a regular screen again. If I remove the SD, the BIOS will display on a HDMI but never the actual OS until re-imaged.

On the Core Electronics YouTube video (https://youtu.be/vCAGzLGTUk4?si=Ix2PeLkdjxOimj7U) two of the most recent comments suggest this is also happening to them.

I’ve tried installing the drivers via SSH, and also through the terminal while using a HDMI screen but they both give the same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am very new to this and am unsure of where to look now. Is there any other drivers that may work?

Hey BroadSword,
Welcome to the forums!

It seems this may be a problem with the new Bookworm OS specifically. From what I am reading it is bricking the OS when installed. For the time being it may be worth using the Bullseye version of Pi OS as that’s what would work currently.

I will attempt to get in touch with the manufacturer on this one to see if they have any idea of what to do to get this one working.


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I’ve had the Bookworm issue too, changed to Raspbian Bullseye which works fine.
But now my issue is this: I want to run this screen via GPIO as well as a 2nd screen via DSI connector. It seems to get the GPIO screen to work as it is configured currently, I have to disconnect the DSI cable.
Does anyone have any idea how I might be able to do this? Raspbian does recognise the GPIO screen, but it appears as HDMI in settings (and is black).

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Your best bet might be diving into the /boot/config.txt file. This is where the magic happens for display settings. You’ll want to look into the dtoverlay and hdmi_force_hotplug parameters for HDMI, and ignore_lcd=0 to ensure the DSI interface isn’t being ignored when HDMI is active.


Thanks for that, I might try the Force Hotplug and ignore LCD, I did try a bunch of other configurations in config file from some guides but nothing worked. I’ve ordered a HDMI 3.5" screen instead off AliExpress, because I know for a fact that will be plug and play.