9g 180° Metal Servo with Analog Feedback - SKU: SER0047

Can you please explain following from you description for this motor
“Since there is no limit switch inside the servo, users can manually make the servo rotate in 360 degrees”
I am only interested in 180 degree back and forth rotation after pressing button each time.
Does it rotate (-90)-0-(90) or 0-180?

I need to rotate with an output torque of 150g.cm, can that happen in 500ms?

Why there are four cables?

Also, I don’t understand the unit of this speed. Is it 0.1 second to rotate by 60 degrees.
“Speed(no load): 0.12±0.01 sec/60@4.8V
0.1±0.01 sec/60@6.0V”

How this servo is different from “Micro servo - SG92R - SKU: ADA169”

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That means that since there is no switch built into the servo itself, you can rotate it continuously with a rotational force if it isn’t set to some position already and holding it. It has a fixed zero from what I’ve found (similarly to most servo motors) and based on the duty cycle of the signal that is being sent you can determine what position off of that zero point it will move to (with a rated duty cycle of 500-250µsec which is fairly standard for these smaller servo motors).

By the way, this servo also provides an analogue signal with a 0~3.3V voltage reference on the brown line so that you can estimate its current position, that’s what the fourth brown wire is for which is the main difference to ADA169 but they’re quite similar motors in terms of specs.

Here’s a little script to easily send Arduino angles over serial for those motors that you can use to experiment with it and a tutorial that you may find useful.

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo;

void setup() {


void loop() {
while (!Serial.available()) {delay(10);}
int pos = Serial.parseInt();
Serial.print("Position set to: ");

P.S. Yes, that’s exactly what it means, so if you go from 30 to 90, 0 to 60, 180 to 120, etc, it takes approximately 0.12 seconds (give or take about 0.01 seconds) to complete the movement. Of course, this assumes no or nearly no load, which isn’t very useful for most applications, it’ll likely be slower than that when actually used, but it is often a useful value for comparing speeds of different servos for the same application.

Hope that helps!

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