Adafruit FT232H Breakout - General Purpose USB to GPIO, SPI, I2C - USB C & Stemma QT (ADA2264)

This is a placeholder topic for “Adafruit FT232H Breakout - General Purpose USB to GPIO, SPI, I2C - USB C & Stemma QT” comments.

Wouldn’t it be cool to drive a tiny OLED display, read a color sensor, or even just flash some LEDs directly from your computer? Sure you can program an Arduino…

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Hello, I have just purchased this board from you. I have found that the board does not output a serial number or device description onto the usb bus. Other FTDI boards I have do report both characteristics. This means that I cannot use 2 boards together because serial numbers allow fine tuned port selection at software level. More than one board is required if you need to support both sdi and i2c. I am wondering if this problem exists for all these devices/board, or it is a bad chip. I have traced the issue back to low level usb query. I am running on linux, using the program to interrogate the board. Also the lsusb program under linux does not report a serial number or product description for the board.

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It’s a FT232H breakout; have you explicitly tested the characteristics of another FT232H or are comparing it with a different (albeit similar) FTDI product?

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No I dont have another FT232H. I was hoping you guys could check one in stock! It should show up easily under linux using the lsusb program. Maybe ask adafruit?

Thanks for the quick reply.


Hi John,

Here’s the output of sudo lsusb -v if that helps


Just to keep you up to date …

Further analysis shows that the board is fitted with a 2kbit eeprom, but adfafruit have programmed it as a 1kbit eeprom (see ftdi info: strings are stored in the top 1kbit half of the eeprom in a 2kbit chip,) So this appears to be a big error by adafruit. Old design used in an upgraded board? BTW I could do a hex dump of the eeprom to discover this using

Using ftconf python utility I get all the correct eeprom data with no errors if I treat it as a 1kbit eeprom. And it has a serial number and manufacturer data plus others.

Not sure if this can be allowed for in python ftdi python library as it only uses usb to return all requested the info. And that appears to pull out the info based on a 2kbit eeprom. It would need a usb command to treat the epprom as the smaller size. Will investigate this further.

Maybe you could pass this on to adafruit or should I?

Been interesting doing this (retired now) but a little frustrating.


Hi John,

Cheers for documenting your dive into this one.

We don’t have a special channel with Adafruit for this kind of issue, they use their forum exclusively for all technical support short of an actual RMA, so your best bet of getting their design engineers in on this one would be to post there:

If you have any other tests you want to run on our stock, or suspect a defective unit, let us know.