Adafruit Trinket Bootload Failure : RESOLVED

That’s sad.
Do you think I did anything wrong?
How does something like that happen?

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Hi Pix,

It’s really hard to say! It’s a very simple design, with no USB-to-serial converter, no regulator when powered over USB, so there’s not much to go wrong :frowning:

What were you using it for before having problems? Any failed flashing attempts?

I was having fun making a digital music synthesizer.
I had a successful flash, i.e. the coded loaded.
I was using the shiftOut() function to punch a byte onto a 74HC595 shift register and realized I wanted the MSBFIRST not LSBFIRST Constant. So I plugged it back in to load my edited code and started getting a could not recover programmer error. On one attempt it just stopped flashing all together. At that point I realized something had already gone wrong. :man_shrugging:

I didn’t really change anything from my successful attempt apart from MSBFIRST → LSBFIRST

Admittedly, from the day I first got it it was a very fiddly machine. Failed uploads were just kinda normal so I have learned not to think much of them and keep trying.
Since then I’ve used the vanilla ATtiny85 chips and they’ve been much more reliable.

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What happens next? Do I have anything to try?
Is this a warranty thing or does this stuff just happen sometimes.
I’m actually not sure what’s reasonable as a customer so I’m happy to trust you :slight_smile:

This is a tricky one that mostly depends on when you bought it, and what you did with it. Our warranty policy is here. If you reckon you line up with it, shoot us an email and we’ll take it from there :slight_smile:

Can you tell me a little about this line?
Is the trinket a low cost hobbyist part?

From your warranty page.
Low-cost hobby-grade parts that are subject to casual mishandling in favour of convenience are often covered by a 90-day warranty unless there is reasonable evidence of a safe handling environment and practices (static safety, etc).

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Hi Pix,

Yep, I think it would be, basically something that’s not enclosed or needs you to make your own connections is in there. Something that isn’t a consumer product that’s been made bulletproof

At this point I don’t even know IF I did something wrong because it just kinda happened.
What would constitute reasonable evidence?

Hi @Pixmusix - that line pertains to ESD safe handling practices that are often used by pro-makers and manufacturers eg. ESD mats, grounding bracelets being used etc.
Most makers don’t abide by these practices as a matter of convenience and necessity, but the 90-day line simply implies that if there’s evidence that the user has applied these precautions then there may be some wiggle room.

This one might just be chalked up in the ‘odd things happen’ column. If you encounter two failures it would be time to investigate for something systemic, but one failure could just be an accidental momentary short or weird ESD event.


That’s fair.
Thanks for clarifying. :slight_smile: