Arduino Boards, Compared

This is a placeholder topic for “Arduino Boards, Compared” comments.

If you have ever wondered what the key differences are between each of the Arduino Boards, then hopefully our nifty comparison table below helps! Scroll on to read a little snippet of more info about each board type.

Arduino Uno
Uno liter…

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Great overview and indeed, the table does it all. A picture tells a thousand words, one once said…

Thanks for the in-depth analysis of the different types of Arduino’s. Just what I was looking for to make a correct choice.



Thanks Aristide! We’re glad to hear it helped you make a decision!

Hi…im in the process of making a project that help to prevent any bag snatched by thief…please help me to choose most compatible board…

Hi Syed,

I assume that size and power requirements would be the major factors to consider. Personally I’d recommend a Nano like this one…

All the best with it!

Core Electronics | Support

Hi guys,

This is a great page and I come here often to check the pin-outs diagrams and also the specs comparison table.

Have you considered expanding the specs table (or diagrams even) to cover some of the newer Nano boards that you carry in stock?

Many thanks

Hi Tony,

Glad to hear it has been helpful! Good point regarding new boards, we’ll add that to the list.

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This has to be the single greatest resource for arduino projects. I’m able to determine exactly which board to use and how to wire it up in one page.

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