Arduino Matrix

Just wondering if anyone knows how I could connect a metal pushbutton to the Arduino UNO to output on an 8x8 Duinotech Red Dot Matrix? I am a newbie at coding any help would be great!


What do you mean exactly by [quote=“Aimee125560, post:1, topic:7857”]
connect a metal pushbutton to the Arduino UNO to output on an 8x8 Duinotech Red Dot Matrix

Thank you so much for the reply!
I am designing and constructing a bicycle indicator using an Arduino UNO connected to 2 pushbuttons at the handlebars. When the push buttons are pressed, the output of an arrow display will appear on the 8x8 Dot matrix panel - situated at the back of the bike.
How do I connect and code the right and left pushbuttons to the Arduino, to then display the arrows on the Matrix (right button = right arrow, left button = left arrow)?

Hi Aimee,

Interesting project. I’d recommend writing a function that outputs the appropriate lights on your display to create the shape of each arrow and then writing a script that within a loop checks to see which of the digital inputs has been made high by using the button and then use a while loop or delay within your function so that the arrow remains on the display for a set period of time. I’ve also linked some potential buttons that you could use with the project and some jumpers in case you need spares to connect to your project.

All the best with your project!

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