ART STUDENT NEEDS HELP! - Lithophane LED lighting with sensor to display my self portrait photography in gallery/museum settings

Hey All, I am after some help with some type of simple set up to display my art through backlighting mounted in a enclosure on the back if the custom frame I have printed of these lithophane 3d printed Self Portrait images I have taken from my 3d printed cameras. I will attach some pics of said lithophanes and what they will look like I’m an art student so I am hoping to add a sensor maybe with some sort of short timer which when approachng the art imagine in like a art gallery or museum type setting that the light will display and produce a much clear and true representation of my self portrait photography with the 3d printed lithophane. I’m hoping someone can lead me in the right direction. Cheap as possible.
Many thanks for all help

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Hi Byron.

Maybe this?
I used this recently as a diffused light for an enclosure and it can really move some photons.

I actually think you could use this presence sensor with just one MOSFET and some inline resistors on the cob… No code required.

Did you make that with a 3d printed camera!??! :open_mouth: WOW!

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@Pixmusix i captured the image on my 4x5” silver gelatin paper or film 3d printed pinhole camera which you inject photo chemicals with syringes into the unit to follow the development process and have a instant negative developed inside the camera taking the away the need for a darkroom. Then printed the lithophane with my 3d printer.


Dude that’s heaps phly.

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Phly? What is this term? lol

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It means “very cool” and the word has a retro flavor.


@Pixmusix learning words is a big thing of mine and you taught me something new. Just one more question mate I’ll need some type of battery set up right? With my post it might have to be a little more explained as i am very new to electronics and find it hard to remember names parts etc I have a little kit and my electrics workstation in my studio have played around with little led dimmable project with a battery barrel thingy but that’s about the extent of my electrics career hahah besides being around a lot of underground power transformers with 11k Red Devils and all that jazz and helping electricians as a T/A but very keen to dive in and I think my projects are a good start I’d say my technical terms are not up to scratch but that will come with more research.

Hi @Byron279764,

Very Cool project you have here.

@Pixmusix suggestion of the 5B COB led would give a good even white light source for this project. If you want really even light having a white box with the COB on the edge should work well, Kinda like how edge lit TV’s work.

Another option could be to use something like a GlowBit Matrix You would want to figure out how far back the matrix would need to be so you can’t make out individual LED’s but this could also give you a nice even light source, plus the added benefit of colour if you wanted.
This could be controlled with a Pi Pico or Arduino that would allow you to add the motion sensing easily.

I hope this helps with your project.

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@Aaron thanks mate yeah I was even thinking that set up but exploring options Adding LEDs to 3D printed Camera you can check out my other project here.

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I bet a 3 AA (4.5v, 300ma) batteries would be OK for this application. Particularly if you lowered the amp draw of the COB to something like 100ma with a big high wattage resistor.
Testing would be required.
I don’t have my cob anymore because I screwed it into the installation so sadly I can’t test it for you.

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this is adorable

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Cheers @Wolf just checked your profile and site? Well done with a role as graphic designer I also play around with some graphic stuff.

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