Bluno beetle BLE connection to PC

Dear Forum Users,

I currently have a bluno beetle V1.1 that I need to connect wirelessly to my PC and send data through serial whereby Labview will take the data and do all the processing tasks from that point on. Looking on the DFROBOT website and forum, they appear to simply say that they dont have support for PC, only android and MAC. I can use my Android phone to connect wirelessly and stream data, however, I need my PC to do this. It is a real time data stream, so I cant simply take the values and then postprocess.
My PC can’t find the device at all through Bluetooth.
Has anyone found a way to fix this? I have been unable to at this point.

Kind regards,

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Hi T,

Just did a bit of digging.
They talk about BLE beign used on Windows 10 here, and discuss some possible work arounds.

This may also help you get your device connected!

Let me know if I can help any more!

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Dear Liam,

Thanks for the email, however, these links don’t appear to help me. Still unable to find the bluno device with them

Kind regards,

Hi TY,

Interesting issue, have you been able to recognize the breakout from any other device?

Core Electronics | Support

Dear Bryce,

The bluno connects fine to my android phone. It sends data from 16 different force sensors where the code has been written in Arduino IDE.

I purchased the DFrobot usb-ble link which arrived today so I can test it tomorrow, but they claim that this gives usb-ble support to PC for use with bluno, I really hope this is the case. Looking at forums, they say bluno only works with android and macs…

Do you have any thoughts?

Kind regards,

Hi Tanju,

It looks like the BLE link should work, seeing as it has been a couple of days have you been able to test it yet.
I’m super keen to see how it goes! :smiley:


Hi Liam,

Yeah it worked with the BLE link USB from DFRobot. I wasn’t able to get it working without it.



Hi Tanju,

That’s quite unusual but glad to hear that it’s working now, can you please put a link to the part that fixed the issue onto the forum so anyone else looking for the solution in the future has a quick reference to it?


Core Electronics | Support

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You need to buy this device

its on core electronics which is where I purchased it. Windows is the problem, it doesn’t support BLE through any API’s. Maybe newer windows versions have BLE supported. I tried on windows 7, 8 and 10 and none of them worked without this BLE link device.



Hi TY,

Glad to hear you got it working! For reference, our product page is:

Support | Core Electronics