Hi, I’m running a cr10-s pro v2 with tiny machines firmware, up until recently was working like a charm… no issues at all. And then intermittently some prints wouldn’t even start and the LCD would just show the print as printed and nothing had even started. Usually after a machine reboot this would clear and it would work fine. Today a reboot would not clear it… and now after trying to re-level and get a new z offset the machine won’t even set a z height at all. It just keeps going higher on the gantry and won’t lower through any means from the LCD. I can lower manually only.
I have reflashed the firmware, reset the EFPROM, run the ‘reset settings.gcode’
using the ‘move’ function I can raise and sometimes lower the gantry upon a fresh reboot… but after that it won’t work. the z height shows at 0 even when the gantry is quite high. If I raise it using ‘move’ it will show 5 10 20 mm raise… but when I press -Z using move…the numbers decrease to 0 but the print head does not move down. I know the motor works because when first booted up I can raise to 10 and it will lower to 0 but only once or twice then it stops.
spent the better part of my morning trying to fix this… any and all help would be fantastic !
thank you