Creality Ender s v2 CR Touch firmware

What is the correct version of firmware for using after fitting a CR Touch sensor? I have tried a few and now the printer doesn’t move at all


Hi Andrew,

Welcome to the forum!!

Before we get into the firmware, are you able to send commands to the printer?
My go-to program is Pronterface, if you send a command to move to the left or right is it able to do so?

Onto firmware, which version of the mainboard did you have?
Based on that you can download the required firmware from here: CR Touch 3D Printer Parts - Creality 3D
Just to confirm have you removed the connection to the Z-axis limit switch?

PS: I’ve had success with my printer at home using these firmware downloads with the BLtouch.

Let us know how you go!


Thanks. I found a version that worked. There are so many choices, but it is not clear which one to use. Only by trial and error did I find one.


Hi Andrew,

Glad to hear you got it working! We’re keen to see what you print :smiley:

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