What a great idea You’re going to need a bluetooth module that can do A2DP. Often the simplest way to do something like this is to use a USB power bank along with a small USB powered bluetooth handsfree kit, and a USB powered speaker, all bundled into a case.
If you want to dive into some lower level stuff I’d recommend checking out the following products:
I purchased the Bluetooth 5.0 Audio Receiver w Board-Controllable Volume from you guys and I was wondering do I need an amp connected to this board with a wired speaker connected to that, or can connect a wired speaker directly to the board? If so where?
I know the bluetooth board has a 3.5mm audio out but I was wanting to wire a small speaker to it.
You can add an amp if you’d like. However, the board should be suitable for any small speaker that you’re connecting to that 3.5mm jack directly, if you find it’s too quiet let us know and I’ll see what amps we’ve got available in our local stock to increase the output for you. If there’s anything else that I can do for you please let me know.
Ah okay. If you’re looking for something that’ll provide stereo while amplifier your signal sufficiently, the kit below once assembled (and soldered) should provide more than enough power for your speaker, make sure not too push it too far though, as it’d be pretty easy to burn out the copper with excess current in those speakers.
Below is one of @Oliver s original suggestions for you to increase the signal.
Probably a little too far, for headphone the board is fine, but when I connect a speaker it doesn’t seem to be any loader then if I turn up the headphones and leave them out?
I was thinking about the Adafruit Mono 2.5W Class D Audio Amplifier as I am only running one speaker… Thinking a setup something like this… (attached).
BUT do you have something that could power the amp?
Thank you for your time guys, it is much appreciated.
You should be able to power both the Bluetooth module and amp with a Lipo Battery or Power supply given they are both in the respective voltage ranges,
or a 5V power supply as you may already be using with the input module.