Devastator Tank Mobile Platform (Metal DC Gear Motor) (ROB0128)

This is a placeholder topic for “Devastator Tank Mobile Platform (Metal DC Gear Motor)” comments.

The Devastator tank platform is constructed from high strength aluminium alloy and is extremely solid and durable. Due to the popularity of this platform we have released a new and improved version 2 that includes the following features:

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I’d like to try one of these out, although I’m a little nervous about breaking things. Does anyone know if this Kitronik Compact Robotics Board for BBC micro:bit (SKU: CE07327) is a good match? Also, going beyond the Micro:Bit, what is a suitable control board for a Raspberry PI?

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Hi David,

That’s fair enough! I don’t see why not, I had a look at the datasheet, and it should be able to handle both those 6V motors, even if they’re locked (never do this as it will ruin the gears) they will only draw ~2.5A each which should be well under the max of the 10A peripherals rating. Otherwise, you should be able to interact with the ultrasonic sensor and other components as normal. Please let us know if you have any questions, have a great day! :smile:

Just wondering if stronger motors can be attached to the devastator tank robot?

Hi @Sienna277821, Welcome to the Forums!!!

It would be possible to swap out the motors for stronger ones.

The replacement motors would just need to fit the mounting holes and the size constraints of the original motors

I hope this helps with your project.

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for getting back to me. I am wondering if Core Electronics sell any replacement motors that would fit to your knowledge?


Hi @Sienna277821,

This motor is likely the strongest that would fit that we carry.

Its Stall Torque is over double what the included motors are rated for at