DRF0513 confusion

Hello All.
I have connected new DRF0513 motor driver module and it is behaving “not well”
The signal from my Turnigy TGY-i6 seems to be getting through as the motors react correctly to the sticks.
However the motors are pulsing, especially at low speed, and don’t reach anywhere near their full speed.
So I reviewed the DFRobot documentation where some confusion occurred.
At the introduction, second paragraph states "The motor driver supports 7 ~ 12V wide range power input, the maximum input voltage is 40V, and the continuous current of each channel is 3A, the allowable peak current is 6A.
So my questions are:-

  1. is the power input range 7-12V OR something up to 40V ?
  2. what supply voltage would I need to drive two x 12V DC motors?

I intend to use the module to power and control twin 12V DC motors in a model boat.
Can someone please put me on the right track.
Thanks in advance, Stephen

My typo - Should be DFR 0513 which is PPM 2x3A DC Motor Driver
Sorry, Stephen

Hi Stephen,

The nominal voltage range is 7-12V, but it can handle momentary voltage spikes of up to 40V. You shouldn’t try powering it continuously with more than 12v as it will over heat.

You will be able to power 2x 12v DC motors you’ll be able to spin your props. Make sure you’ve got your Turnigy TY-i6 set to output a PPM signal.

Support | Core Electronics

Thanks Oliver. I missed that point about PPM output from the receiver. I’ll have to get another receiver as the one that came with the Tx does not have the PPM output facility, and guess what - Hobby King does not have them in stock in Australia.
I will try the function with the Arduino sample code that DFRobot lists with the module instructions.
Kind regards, Stephen