Elegoo mars pro - Exposure test

I been trying to find the best exposure time for my Elegoo Mars Pro, but I’m not sure which seems best and how far should I go with it?

7s exposure looks like the best one to me, since it has most pins aswell, I was wondering would going 7,01 or 6,99 really change anything? seems like too small of increments to really make any changes, I think?

(pic below)

Any feedback is appreciated!


I like the look of 7.1 best. :slight_smile:
This is so cool btw.

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Hi @sebastien270924,

This is very cool. Assuming the right side of this block is used to test gradient I would say 8 looks the clearest there but you do seem to lose some definition with your lines the bottom section.

Overall I have to agree with Pixmusix and say 7.1-7.2 looks the best overall but the more complicated answer is it depends on what you are prioritising for a given print.

Thanks for sharing this, what a fun problem to have!



Yeah, I think 8 might be too high, since it loses quite a lot of detail at the bottom and doesn’t have as many pins/holes I’d like on the left.

The test is to see which exposure time gives the best/most amount of detail.
I think that the part on the right is supposed to be like stairs. You’re supposed to be able to see/feel the texture.

Of course, it’s very subjective.
Thank you for your reply!


Quick thought that struck me when I came back to read your reply.
The lighting, maybe your camera flash, makes the definition of the outer prints more pronounced in this image because the shadows emphasize the contours.
Even though I know it can’t be true, Number 7 looks the most “lifeless” because it’s right under the lens and the light making it “feel” more 2D.
It may be I prefer 7.2 because of it’s position in the frame, not because it’s best.

Pix :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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