ESP32-CAM Remote Control of DSLR Camera


Hi John,

That looks great! Do the ESP and DSLR share power? I’d love to see what’s in that case there.

Hi Jack.
The ESP32-CAM is powered by a powerbank via USB cable and the Canon camera is using its internal battery of 7.4v. The Canon has a socket connected to an internal switch. Closing that switch causes the Canon to focus and release its shutter. Inside that red box is a reed switch which is activated by a digital output on the ESP32-CAM.
The ESP32-CAM is seeing the same field as the Canon and is sending that image to a phone or tablet. When I press a button on the phone screen the ESP32-CAM will energise the reed switch and the Canon will take a shot. That’s the theory. I’ve tested each component, just haven’t put it all together in this contraption. It’s for taking closeup shots of birds.


I’ve made a box for the ESP32-CAM.

Nice work @John74406, super clean and self-contained! Well done.

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Tinkercad design file here (public):


The monobloc (transparent) showing the internal conduits allowing pin interconnections:

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This is a view from Cura’s preview mode showing the internal structure. One of the conduits can be seen, running from one pin thru-hole to another.

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