Fan Box To Push Air

Hey Guys,

I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me build a fan box of sorts. I need to push air through a tube, and my teacher suggested a fan box, but I am unsure of how to code this or create this. I am using an Arduino UNO and have little to no coding knowledge, so please make it as simple as possible.

Augreim Soperlls

Hi Augreim,

How big is the tube that you need to push air through?

Not very big. It is just to create a prototype. I only have access to a small 5-volt fan, and little to no coding knowledge, so as simple as possible, please?

I have:

  • Arduino R3 Uno panels
  • Breakout boards for expansion
  • Breadboards
  • Pin/Socket wires in a number of combinations
  • Batteries - LiPo 2200mAh rechargeable
  • Standard air temp sensors
  • Distance sensors
  • Servos
  • 5v fans
  • LCD Keypad Shield For Arduino
  • Copper Tape - Conductive Adhesive, 5mm
  • Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor
  • Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature
  • 5v-3vLogic Level Converter Bi-Directional
  • Bluetooth Module (HC-05)0
  • Mute Sounds Mini Submersible Pump DC
  • Breakout Board for microSD Card
  • LSM303D 3D Compass and Accelerometer
  • Basic 16x2 Character LCD
  • WiFi Module - ESP8266
  • Panel Mount 10K potentiometer
  • Potentiometer Knob - Soft Touch

Hi Augreim,

Its not clear to me why you would need to write any code. Wouldn’t you just need to connect the fan to 5v power and turn it on?

I want to make it turn on when the temperature is above or below certain temperatures

Hi Augreim,

There are many tutorials and guides online about how to do this. Here is one for you though:

This has an LCD which adds some complexity, but you could make the same thing and then the code is already written!