GlowBit™ Matrix - 8x8 (CE08033)

Hi Victor,

Welcome back :slight_smile:

I’ll add it to our list!!

The smallest WS2812b variant is a whopping 1.3x1.3mm. there’s a 2x2mm version available that looks a lot more assembleable, so the pitch of the LEDs would be looking closer to 3mm (vs the ~7mm pitch of the current matrices).

What kind of size would you be looking for? (In terms of pitch and dimensions?)
And may I ask what you have it doing? (Text, graphs, indicators etc)



Hi @Liam,

In the past have used the Pimoroni Unicorn 7x16 Display on Pico for code development & diagnostics by using the colour of a set of LEDs to indicate the changing values of a corresponding set of variables - hence my query for an alternative that does not tie up almost all of a pico - but has full colour not available if one was to use a PiicoDev SSD1306 Oled Display.
Maybe there is some alternative non RGB LED solution - but interesting that an 8x8 matrix with 3mm pitch would give roughly half the edge dimension compared to the GlowBit Matrix (?) - or quarter of the area - a similar scale to PiicoDev modules.

Best Wishes,


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I’ve used this neat little module on a number of projects including my Glow Cuboid. Today I made a little clip on cellular diffuser for a new design. The display looks better than I expected (the pics don’t do it justice).

Just a couple of hours to print with generic white PLA. I thought others may benefit so I’ve just published it on Printables under a CC ShareAlike license.

Beware, it clips on tightly and is almost impossible to remove once fitted.


Hi Mark,

What a great little diffuser. That bottom layer must be extraordinarily thin to pull that off, I don’t think my printer is well tuned enough at the moment to pull it off. Well done!


2 layers at 0.2 mm each, so 1 layer at 0.5 mm would probably work too. In these pics max intensity is 18 per channel - crank it up to 255 and who knows how thick it can be.

In between the cells the wall thickness is 2mm and you can just see the bleed through in the dark. To clean it up even more I’m going to try another print and swap to black PLA once the bottom 2 layers (final top) are printed so there should be no bleed.


I’m just wondering why power and ground pads are only available on the sides, and not the top and bottom of PCB module?

When creating an array, it’s easy to solder links across for horizontal placement, but you need to add wires for vertical.

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Hey @MarkMakies,

While the labelling on the board only shows the middle as having VCC and GND points the top and bottom pads can also work for this as you can see in this full diagram:

Hopefully, this is what you are after for this project.

I have had a read through the rest of this thread and love your 3d printed diffusion solution! I might print that off for some of my own projects in the future. :slight_smile:

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Awesome, thanks @Samuel

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