Grove Loudness Sensor v0.9b with ESPHome?

I purchased the Grove Loudness Sensor v0.9b. I have an ESP32, and Home Assistant with ESPHome Installed. I wanted to hook up the Grove Loudness Sensor to the ESP32 and flash it wtih ESPHome to feed the data into Home Assistant.

Has anyone tackled a project like this? If this has already been done, it would save me a fair bit of discovery time.

I also purchased the Sound Detection Sensor Module at the same time, but I now think this is simply a boolean, either there is a sound above the threshold, or there isn’t so that is not as ideal as the Grove sensor for this project.

Thank you

Hi David,

What type data are you looking to feed into the home assist? I don’t see any reason why this wouldn’t have been done before or why we get get you there here.

The Sound Detection Sensor Module does just read low or high so it won’t give you decibels if that’s what you are after.

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Hi David
A few examples here

Looking at the Arduino (I don’t know anything about RPi) it uses “analogRead(0)” with the signal (Yellow) wire connected to A0 so it looks like it outputs a varying DC voltage. In other words it is a microphone, Audio rectifier and amplifier with appropriate filters. I think it would only provide relative levels and not actual sound level in db. Which is after all only a comparison in db against a “standard” sound pressure reference level. I think from memory is 20µPascal or the lowest sound pressure the human ear can perceive. but that is getting academic.
Cheers Bob

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This one may give a guideline: Connect Grove Modules to Home Assistant using ESPHome | Seeed Studio Wiki

Hi Lia
All good if you want to set up Home Assistant but this Loudness sensor doesn’t get a mention.
Cheers Bob

Thanks for the replies.

Bob, I will be plugging the sensor into an esp32. That’s like an arduino clone from what i understand. The esp32 then sends the data to home assistant over the lan.

Jack, I just want to have an indicative reading, nothing really accurate. I can detect when a pump turns on for example.

Lia, i did see that grove modules to home assistant link, but it looked like i had to buy at least one more grove device, so put that one aside for now, see if it can be done with the gear i have. Thanks for looking it up.

I got side tracked on an espcam project in esphome, taking hourly pictures of my power meter to run OCR on and feed that data into home assistant. Too much fin with these little ESP devices!

Will do some more work to see what i can get out of this grove sensor. From what i have researched, if i wire the"out" pin to one of the ADC pins on the esp32, then i should just get a number between 0 and 4095, which would be a great start if it’s that easy.


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Hi David

I think that should be about right.
Cheers Bob

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