How do you use your Raspberry Pi

Hi just thought I’d like to post a general poll. This is my first, apologies in advance for any mistakes…

Who likes to use their Raspberry Pi with the standard Raspberry Pi OS or do they have a need for some specific task which requires the use of something a little bit more exotic?

The question has come about due the recent chip shortage globally on another unrelated but very interesting forum group. The Pi’s being a very good and well supported product are in very short supply indeed.

The poll tries to serve 2 questions about usage and the need for production of older Raspberry Pi models which support specialist Operating Systems which aren’t or can’t be supported on the newer Raspberry Pi models.

Don’t forget to feel free to comment and discuss…

Thank you very much…


  • Raspberry Pi OS

  • Bare metal OS (eg, Circle)

  • Home-brew OS

  • Other OS

  • Do you use/need Raspberry Pi 3

  • Do you use/need Raspberry Pi 3A+

  • Do you use/need Raspberry Pi 3B+

  • Do you use/need Raspberry Pi 4

  • Do you use/need Raspberry Pi not listed here

0 voters


Raspberry Pi 4B price is too much in where I live. So, just bought a Raspberry Pi pico. Earlier I used a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Raspbian jessie OS. That pi died after being used for less than 2 years.

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Hi Eddie,

Which OS people actually end up using is an interesting one. I suspect there might be quite a few Pis out there running OctoPi as the 3D printing community has really embraced the Pi + OctoPrint combo.


Hi Rooppoor212784,

Thank you for your input.
Very interesting. Any ideas on how did your Pi failed?
I know at the moment the global chip shortage has sure made things hard to find.
Hopefully it will be easier to purchase IC chips soon.

Hi Trent,

Thanks for your input. That’s an interesting observation!
I actually didn’t think anywhere near those 3D printing applications. The 3D printing industry is a huge market that will undoubtedly be getting bigger.
I am finding out that the humble Pi (no pun intended) is indeed a very versatile device with a big support base and good documentation.

I have no idea actually. I was working with my pi at my office. I made different projects with that. It worked fine until one day, it did not even get started. And I can’t remember which one, an IC got extremely hot. There was a burning sensation when I touched that. With a heavy heart, I had to toss the board away after several tries to start that.

Hi Rooppoor,

Sorry to hear about the failure, of the faulty Pis we do see (fortunately a very small proportion of the total Pis out there in use) most don’t fail quite as spectacularly as that.
A component that gets burning hot usually indicates a short circuit somewhere, so it’s definitely worth the time trying to do a bit of forensics into what went wrong before installing a new replacement, just in case some other part of the integration caused the fault and it may repeat.


Hi Rooppoor212784,

I am sorry to hear that bad news regarding your Rasberry Pi.

I do know from other electronic devices that these things can and do on regular basis fail with catastrophic results. It actually becomes a big headache for the recycling campaign.

It is good that this information is documented.

Maybe perhaps we could start section devoted to specific diagnosis and repairs of Pi’s by some of the more experienced Rasberry Pi users.

It would be such a shame if only a small replaceable component caused such failures.