I have been dabbling with Co-Polyesters for a while now and come across a novel solution to fixing stringing and keeping it adhered to a glass build platform. The trick is to print the CPE material directly onto build platform at a high nozzle temperature (~260 degrees celsius) and then after several layers tune that temperature right down (~233 degrees celsius). Very happy with my prints now with this material. Also in the guide is General Slicer Settings to alter when printing with either CPE or CPE+.
My actual print profile is also attached at the bottom of the guide too. Has Tree Supports enabled which you can use for organic and engineering models very well.
Many times you list,both, the settings you do for CPE and then for CPE. I believe one of those is supposed to state CPE+. An example segment below…
" - Bed Temperature. I use 80°C for CPE. 107°C for CPE . Get great adhesion using these, observing the extrusion closely as well as trial and error got me to these values.
Print Speed. 30m/s for Travel and Print for CPE. 40m/s for Travel and 50m/s for CPE . There is an idea that you can prevent stringing by making your travel speeds supersonic, but I am hesitant to do this. It is like putting multiple band-aids on the issue as opposed to just not falling over to start with. Slow speed always makes for better prints. Going really fast my concern becomes vibrations and ghosting. If you have not stopped it from stringing there will always be stringing, no matter how fast you’re moving the nozzle it will never teleport.
Retraction Length. For CPE I use 10mm. For CPE I use 9.4mm."
thanks for the heads-up @Erik273913! - it looks like the + character was dropped during a website migration. We’ve captured this for the team to fix
(Improvement Ref # 9169)