Need help identifying the type of lcd I need to replace this broken one. Amateur here so please go easy! 18 pins and 100mm x 30mm. 6v power supply.
Hi Anthony,
Welcome to the forum!!
I couldn’t find anything straight away, but the pin count and formfactor leads me to believe its a chatacter display like one of the following: Character - Displays & Screens Australia
To maximise the chance of finding something would it be possible to grab some more detials?
- Can you spot any serial numbers on or under the LCD itself?
- What device is this from? (Links would help immensely)
For products made at high scale companies sometimes get proprietary parts made so will be very hard to source without a donor.
Keen to learn some more about this!
Thank you Liam for your response!
Unfortunately no serial numbers on the panel.
It is attached to a vs-200 platform pet scales.
Looks like it is made my scintex
If you can get the light to hit it just so, it might be possible to get a shot which faintly shows the display elements, which might help.
Hi Anthony
If you look at the pics in that link the numbers seem to be 7 segment displays while at the right there are other things like kG (shown) and I suppose Lb and Oz as the buttons give the option for different weight systems. This makes one think this is not a generic display like a 1602 (16 character 2 row) device but a special. Although it is possible that in this particular field there may be a suitable display commonly available.
I personally don’t know of such a display availability and to be honest I would not have much of an idea where to look. But you never know, there just might be someone on this Forum who has some experience with displays such as this.
Does the manufacturer or distributor by any chance have a repair facility. By the very nature of its use (animal weight) it could be very prone to damage and might be a common problem. Worth a try.
Cheers Bob
Hi Anthony,
Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything from a few searches. As Bob mentioned it does look like a specialised display, the support page on the Scintex website looks pretty inviting and they also seem to stock spare monitors for the scales.
To stop the display breaking in future itm ight be worth getting in touch with a local makerspace to make some windows for the screens (and buttons? out of acrylic/perspex).
Super keen to see if anyone can find a suitable replacement!
Hi Anthony
As Liam says the support site offers some spares.
They list a replacement monitor unit for $175 which at the end of the day might be the most economical approach.
They do state this however.
Note, this may not be a plug and play solution for Scintex scales sold pre 2018.
But a direct approach may clarify your position.
Cheers Bob
Support site here
Thank you all for taking the time to assist.
I have ordered a new unit from Scintex (around $200) delivered. Thought it may be a generic part however it seems this is not the case.
Best wishes to everyone!
Hi Anthony
You must have been answering at the same time as me.
That is my suggestion and you are pretty sure to get the right part.
Liam’s suggestion about some protection for the screen and buttons might be doable with something like flexible clear silicon sheet as is used behind the front of some remotes. Don’t know where you get this sort of product but must be available somewhere.
Cheers Bob