Just to clarify, are you using the Midi FeatherWing with headers connected directly on top of the ESP32 feather or are you wanting to wire them up as two separate boards?
The Product Guide will be your friend for your questions. I’m unsure of the exact RX TX pinout but if you can keep them wired up the same as if the boards were stacked there shouldn’t be an issue.
I am using the MIDI Featherwing directly onto of the ESP32 V2 Feather.
When I looked at the Arduino code example on the Adafruit website, I thought the example was not relevant, because I thought it referred to a different type of micro-controller
specifically #ifdef USE_TINYUSB #include <Adafruit_TinyUSB.h> #endif
But, I tried it as per your recommendation and it worked perfectly.
Note, I did alter it slightly, based on another blog
instead of
I used
MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial1, MIDI);
Thank you very much for your assistance.
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