A few months back, I recall the shop had a miniature IP POE camera that was self-contained and didn’t require a Raspberry Pi or Arduino. I don’t remember what brand or the name, although I thought I subscribed to be notified when it was back in stock.
I went looking for it again today and couldn’t find it listed. I assume it’s no longer available.
Is there an equivalent product available? I’m particularly looking for a small, cheap camera for pet monitoring, preferably without needing a RPi or other device attached. Self-illuminated night vision would be preferred, although the high power (hot!) LED models would be unsuitable as this will be placed in an area that would pose a fire risk with such a device.
We have had people use ESP32s with inbuilt cameras, but they don’t work over ethernet (instead WiFi) and would require a PoE splitter and some coding to get going:
That particular Xiao ESP32S3 camera has a USB-C capable port on it that can be used to program it and power it, so it wont need an FTDI programmer.
I have used the Xiao Sense and the ESP32CAM modules separately. The Xiao board is an incredible upgrade and truly capable for any IOT camera based projects that you want to integrate it into, including if you would like to battery power it (in built charging capability).