Mounting help on the pimoroni display

so ive bought this really nice pimoroni 2.1 inch display, an amp module, access + gyro and a magnetometer which I’m going to bolt together as a car gauge.
I would add GPS but it’s a lil too big and ambitious for me and probably for my pi.

I need a lil help with mounting, will it be fine with one screw?
does it need to be flat or mounted on the side? (like in the pic)
anyone have any recommendations for mounting the entire thing?
if I added some neo pixels with external power would it still have enough power to run everything else?
will I be able to even use the modules with the display? idk if the pins would be in use or not…

item numbers (
*display | PIM579
*pi zero 2 w | CE08211
*GPS | ADA746
acell + gyro | ADA3886
*magneto | ADA4479
screws | ADA3299
*amp | DFR0064
4 pin cable | ADA4399

“*” = bought already

lemme know what you guys think…


Hi Stephen,

With the Pi02W connected via the 40 pins, a single screw should keep it attached.

Based on the pinout Hyperpixel4 at Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout you don’t have any spare pins, so everything will have to be I2C or USB.

This should help with I2C Getting Started with HyperPixel 4.0

The magnometer and accelerometer should be OK,but you’ll need an adapter to connect the breakout on the HyperPixel to the connector on the qy connector, then just chain them together. I don’t think you’ll be able to connect the GPS

If you want some lights then this might work PiicoDev 3x RGB LED Module | Core Electronics Australia but I"m not sure about the alternate I2C interface.

Out of interest, how are you planning on connecting the amolifier? I don’t think the pi zero 2 has audio out.

You might want to consider something to protect the display edges, it looks a bit fragile.


Hi Stephen,

Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve just checked myself with an Adafruit MPU-6050 and a Pi Zero here and it’s tortuously close to fitting in the Pi Zeros mounting holes but it’s not quite lined up.

I think your best bet for securely mounting these will be to use M2.5 standoffs to stack the MPU-6050 and Triple-axis Magnetometer on top of each other, then daisy chain one to the other with a short 4-pin cable then you just need to connect both to the I2C bus.

If you want to test each module on a breadboard first like you mentioned in your phone call you can tap into just the I2C pins of each module as listed in their tutorials:

As an alternative to a single screw mount between the modules and the Pi Zero I’d consider getting some adhesive hook and loop strips and connecting the bare back sides of each board with those.
I’ve used these before and you can find them at any supermarket.

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Hi Doug,

Good catch with the DPI interface hogging every pin, I’m going to need to save a link to that guide for sure!


I’ve looked atthe hyper pixel screens before. really nice, but expensive and a bit limiting in terms of expansion, though USB and I2C would help. I also check for anything I’m looking at. is super handy too :slightly_smiling_face: