MP3 playback for arduino with amplifier

I’m in a hurry to finish a project. I require a shield or circuit to playback via SD cards MP3’s via a 2W 8ohm speaker. Ideally I would use “Adafruit Music Maker MP3 Shield for Arduino w/3W Stereo Amp” however it is on backorder.

My only other idea is to use the sparkfun MP3 shield which is in stock with a a 2x3w@4ohm amp via the lineout. However this is not ideal due to space constraints.

Is there anyway to dig up the amplified adafruit shield in time particularly since I believe the mega has misaligned SPI ports for the sparkfun shield. Is this true?

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Hi Alex,

I can confirm we’ve got some ADA1788 arriving in a week’s time, though that may be too late for your project.

One of these is a great alternative:

Does it have to be via SD card? There are some great little boards that use flash memory, for example:

You could use Adafruit’s feather variant of the shield, but you’d need a feather to go with it:

Else we’ve got a few different amplifier boards in stock you could pair with a different SD player:


SPI pins for the 2560 are in the dual row header at the far end. SPI pins on an Uno are 11-13 - so yep. Not gonna fly.

They do cover it in the hookup guide though:

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Thanks for this help.
The DFrobot option looks good, but it lists no output wattage. Does it have an inbuilt amplifier? I had a brief look at the chip datasheet and it listed 15mW @ 30ohm I believe. The wiki shows speakers connected but this is unusual. Can you confirm its suitable for 2w~ @ 8ohms?

The Bluetooth audio receiver appears to have no headers apart from the button which I guess could be desoldered and used as outputs on the arduino.

sorry to bombard this thread but:

DFRobot DFPlayer PRO - A MP3 Player - this seems perfect however it has a lead time.

DFPlayer - A Mini MP3 Player - wouldn’t this be suitable for my purposes and it’s in stock

Gravity: UART MP3 Voice Module - this also seems suitable but is it compatible with an arduino? it’s in stock.

Yes, it uses UART for communication, so it should be compatible with the various Arduino boards. There’s a tutorial on setting it up with some sample code on the page below. We’ve also got some on shelf at the moment here in the warehouse ready to go.