I’ve been exploring how just a few ink drops create enormous colour differences and Pearl Ex Powder directly into the liquid resin makes for otherworldly 3D prints. Here’s the journey:
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Hi There,
Love the video! Questions regarding printing with alcohol inks embedded in the resin.
I’d love to be able to premake colors in bottles that would then be ready for me to use.
Aside from the settling that you mentioned at the end regarding the Pearl Ex Powder, have you seen any reaction with the resin and alcohol ink over time? Like, does the resin end up seizing and causing something weird to happen to the resin? or any other type or reaction that may adversely affect the quality of the resin if it’s sat a while?
Also, how long was it sitting in the vat before you noticed the pearl ex settling?
Let me know, I’m looking forward to experimenting myself!
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Heyya Brian,
Glad you dig it
and having premade resin colours in bottles is definitely something you can do with the alcohol ink. I ran a little experiment keeping alcohol ink and transparent resin in a bottle for a week and a half and didn’t see any negative affects and printed with it perfectly. I did swirl the bottle before pouring it into the tank and waited until the bubbles settled before printing.
With the Pearl Ex powder if I left the set-up overnight it would have mostly settled to the base of the tank. I would then use a soft plastic spatula to remix it without scratching the FEP film. On the other hand, when the machine is running the agitation caused by the print platform dunking itself up and down keep the powder mixed all together. So when I was printing non-stop I never needed to remix the resin.
Hope this helps,
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Hi Tim,
Thank you! That’s exactly what I needed to know! Now i’m off to buy a ton of lightproof bottles for my mixes!
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Sweet and keen to see what you create, come back and post some pics 
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