Pi Foundation PiTFT - 7" Touchscreen Display for Raspberry Pi (CE04459)

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Add a display to your Raspberry Pi project using the official 7 inch touchscreen display. It’s perfect for all kinds of projects and allows your Pi to mount on the back with all of the cables hidden from view.

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can you run a second screen from the HDMI port on the Pi while this is connected?

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Hi Clarty,

The Raspberry Pi is not able to display on both the HDMI and DSI. There are a couple instances of people getting it to work online, but it seems to require advanced programming.


Hi Guys,
Looking for some advice before I make a purchase…

I am looking to be able to use a HiQ camera in the field and need to be able to focus the lenses efficiently, the best way to do this is via the camera preview function.

The HDMI output to a TV works fine in a test environment, but is not efficient in the field.

Camera Preview does not work over VNC.

With this screen, will camera preview work on it?



Hey Jon,

Welcome back to the forum!!

I’ll grab one from stock to double-check!



Hey Jon,

I can confirm that using the command - raspistill -t 0 allows for the continuous mode to be run on the screen.

Keen to see it up and running in the field!


Perfect. Many thanks Liam


Hi Jon,

I’m not too sure why that wouldn’t be able to work in VNC though as its a direct stream of the Pi’s screen, I’ll do some testing when I get a chance :smiley:



So I just picked up one of these for my Pi4 and for the life of me I can’t seem to get it running. Initially it seemed like my power supply wasn’t shunting enough power through the display to the pi, but I picked up a 2.5A micro usb supply and the pi starts up now. It just doesn’t seem to talk to the screen at all. Checked the DSI ribbon cable, checked the power jumper leads. . wondering if there’s something else I’m meant to be doing to get the pi to see the screen. . .


Hey Laurence,

Welcome to the forum!
Other than the DSI and power connections it should get running basically straight out of the box.
When I was setting mine up I had the ribbon cable around the wrong way so that’s definitely something to check and also making sure the power connections are in the correct way (using a USB cable would be a great way to troubleshoot)
Also Sam’s video was awesome for some explanation and a how too: How to use LCD Displays with Raspberry Pi - YouTube


yep that’s exactly what it was.

Once I flipped the DSI cable over, everything worked like a charm.

thanks for your help, Liam.


Out of stock? when are you getting more in?


Hi Coopz,

Welcome to the forum!!

Unfortunately at the moment, the lead-time is in the realm of 6+ months, the best way to stay in the loop is by clicking on the ‘sign up to get notified’ button for this board.
There are definitely alternatives though, you can check out our catalog of similar displays here.

If you have any questions feel free to send them through.

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I have one of these displays and have all sorts of issues getting the touch input to work reliably. Occasionally it will work and continue to work until I have to reboot my pi. Most of the time it then doesn’t work once it has booted back up again. I then have to reboot a few times and it sometimes comes back. The fact that it has worked suggests I have everything connected up correctly, but not sure why it only works some of the time.

I have tried everything that is mentioned here: https://windowsreport.com/raspberry-pi-touchscreen-no-work/ I haven’t been able to see anything the dmesg output or the /proc/cmdline file even when the screen has been working. Maybe its not detecting something correctly?

I have the official USB power supply. I have also tried powering the pi and the screen off two different USB power supplies. I have tried re-seating all the ribbon cables a few times, but nothing seems to make much difference.

The system is a raspberry pi b 4 with 2gb ram, running the raspbian bullseye release.

Is the anything else I could try?


Hi any idea when the Pi Foundation PiTFT - 7" Touchscreen Display for Raspberry Pin will be back in stock ???


Will the Raspberry pi 5 work with the official raspberry pi 7inch touch screen?


Hi Fiona,

Welcome to the forum!

The 7 inch screen will work with the raspberry pi 5 but you will need an adaptor cable. They are available on our website Raspberry Pi Display FPC Adapter Cable 200mm | Core Electronics Australia

Raspberry Pi have documentation on connecting the pi 5 and the 7-inch touchscreen display here Raspberry Pi Documentation - Raspberry Pi 5


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