Pinball Machine Bumper Design

Hi Mark.
You won’t find it easily either.
About 6 months ago I was investigating a significant pulse generation error. The pulses and spaces between were about 4 µSec longer than requested. This produced an error of some 40% in my case. This occurs due to some housekeeping to make sure the pin is not being used for something else etc. There are a couple of ways around this and one of them is the digitalWriteFast command which is found when you dig deep enough.

I started a rather long post re this last December here if you are interested. Complete with oscilloscope screen shots and measurements.
Dec 2022

Dec 2022

Cheers Bob
Well that did not work. If you are interested and want to find it search for

Arduino UNO R3 some limitations

That seemed to work better so try clicking on that link