Project by Ezra224017; PiicoDev Schematic System

Re the ambient light sensor, that screams “lamp” to me.


Re the ambient light sensor, that screams “lamp” to me.

Ha, I see what you mean! As long as it can be recognised as being related to light :man_shrugging:


Hi @Ezra224017,

I haven’t ghosted :-), as the school term ramps up my spare time drops exponentially (I might take a few weeks to get things done).

Was there a particular basis for your schematic style? In my past life, I used a lot of similar symbols in what we would call a cable block diagram which was to show physical connectivity but using symbols similar to a P&ID (not PID: Piping and instrumentation diagram - Wikipedia) or PFD (Process flow diagram - Wikipedia).

The reason I ask is that when I pick this up next, I’ll be interested in drawing a diagram that shows the stack order on an RPI (I know the bus doesn’t care about hats, but the person troubleshooting will get value knowing which dual output motor controller to look at…).

After I’ve updated videos, images, and README, I’ll be exploring ways of showing this and am interested in what direction would be most compatible.




Hey @Gary126657,

To be honest, my main reason for having chosen to represent the Piicodev symbols as I did was simplicity for the maker. Piicodev is a really great way to become acquainted with I2C and microcontroller prototyping in general, and usually a person starting out does not want to try interpret complex schematics with pinouts and terminology like SCL and SDA; instead of having decided to represent the circuits with their I2C bus, I chose to err on the side of simplicity with easy-to-interpret symbols

Glad to hear you will be taking the project even further!

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