Raspberry Pi Pico with PiicoDev VL53L1X failing to connect


I’ve been having some issues getting the PiicoDev VL53L1X laser distance sensor to connect to a Pi Pico and was wondering if I could get any input on something I might have overlooked or am obviously getting wrong:

  • The VL53L1X is connected to I2C0 on the Pico, GP20 for SDA and GP21 for SCL, 3.3v for 3.3v and ground for ground.
  • I have the latest PiicoDev python files and no upload/issues with other scripts running on the Pico itself
  • Using the following code, I can see the device at address 0x41 and the device power LED is lit:
from PiicoDev_VL53L1X import PiicoDev_VL53L1X
from time import sleep
from machine import I2C

i2c = machine.I2C(0, scl=21, sda=20, freq=400000)
output = i2c.scan()
print("I2C Scan addresses:")


I2C Scan addresses:

But when passing this config into the constructor for the VL53L1X (either with the specified address or just leaving the constructor blank), I receive the following:

from PiicoDev_VL53L1X import PiicoDev_VL53L1X
from time import sleep
from machine import I2C

i2c = machine.I2C(0, scl=21, sda=20, freq=400000)
output = i2c.scan()
print("I2C Scan addresses:")
print("Starting Distance Sensor:")
distSensor = PiicoDev_VL53L1X(0, 400000, 20, 21, 0x41)

while True:
    dist = distSensor.read() # read the distance in millimetres
    print(str(dist) + " mm") # convert the number to a string and print
Starting Distance Sensor:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 10, in <module>
  File "PiicoDev_VL53L1X.py", line 112, in __init__
  File "PiicoDev_VL53L1X.py", line 136, in reset
  File "PiicoDev_VL53L1X.py", line 125, in writeReg
OSError: [Errno 5] EIO

I’ve checked for any connectivity issues with a basic multimeter and everything seems to be fine, even though the error showing seems to point at that. I’m using a 4pin cable to connect the VL53L1X back to the pico with a cable distance of <76cm but am unsure if this is an issue.

Any ideas on anything I may have missed?
Thanks for any advice in advance!



Hi James,

Welcome to the forum!

From memory the Piicodev initialisation requires the sda and scl objects to be pins instead of ints i.e. Pin(x) not x

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Thanks for the reply Liam! Yep - I’m a moron. Changing those values to Pin(x) after importing Pin instead of straight ints and I’m now getting data from the sensor successfully. I must’ve missed this - since I switched the numbers between SDA and SCL as part of debugging and it returned a “Invalid SCL pin” error instead, so assumed the int numbers worked. Whoops.

Appreciate the help!


For those playing along at home, the solution was to update the initialisation to be:

from PiicoDev_VL53L1X import PiicoDev_VL53L1X
from time import sleep
from machine import I2C, Pin # Import Pin

i2c = machine.I2C(0, scl=Pin(21), sda=Pin(20), freq=400000) # Use Pin objects to initialise