I need to send a message to it over Wifi from a remote location (mobile phone)
I need a Raspberry Pi Solution This is what I have in my cart so far (for my Raspberry Pi solution)
I need an equivalent Arduino Uno Solution
I want to use both devices to create two prototypes as my of Baptism of Fire into the realm of Electronics. I’ve been an application developer since 1996.
Please send me a list/invoice so that I may finalise the sale
I was just wondering - Is it possible to use a mobile phone battery? It’s rechargeable and slimmer. Any IoT device would need to last a fairly long time and be rechargeable with a simple USB cable
Do you have a recommended book list (Genre - Noob to Ninja) For Arduino and Raspberry?
It is possible to use a mobile phone battery, though it can be tricky getting the correct connection to it. We’ve got a few articles on powering your projects:
I can go with a simple solution and then swap it over later maybe.
I need a slim form factor for the final prototype
I’m just waiting on some information from Waveshare who I bought the screen from. They may be able to provide a much smaller connection to the board than I currently have.