RFID Reader Writer

What parts do I need to make a RFID reader writer to infrace with my computer.

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I have installed
Python 3.9.0 [tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)]
I am using Visual Studio Code editor

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Hi Matthew,

It depends on which reader/writer you’re using. Do you have any more technical details about the RFID components you’re using?

I know Sparkfun and Adafruit both have fantastic guides for their respective products which are linked on our product pages, or available from their websites.


Hello I saw this video and these product looks like a great RFID reader
Do you have these product?

I want to wright to a RFID tag and read the RFID tag
Is this what I need
https://core-electronics.com.au/adafruit-pn532-nfc-rfid-controller-shield-for-arduino-extras.html ?
Can I communicate with it with a raspberry Pi ?

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Hi Matthew,

We sure do - that looks like Sparkfun’s M6E Board:

However, it’s a fairly serious bit of kit. The one you’ve linked is also an Arduino shield, but yes. You could use an Arduino and communicate via serial from a Pi, which is probably the least amount of work.