RPi 4B + HiFiBerry Digi2 Pro + Screen

Hello, Does anyone have an RPi 4B + HiFiBerry Digi2 Pro + heatsink + Screen combo? I would like to have it in a metal case, but I cannot find an appropriate case. Alternatively, I think I could use a separate screen connected via HDMI. What do you suggest?

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Hey @Laszlo250908,

It may be difficult to find a case that can do everything that you’ve listed.
The Offical HiFi Berry case is closest and should be able to fit heatsinks slimmer than 5mm under the HAT such as these.

If you wanted an all-in-one solution including screen it may need to be a custom job with either 3D printing or laser cut panels.

I hope this helps.

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Thank you Aaron. That’s what I thought myself as well, but hoped maybe there is a solution.

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