TEE1010 Part 5 - Song Mode - An FCB1010 rebuild with a Teensy 4.1

And now an attempt at Song Mode:

I recently found out about the EEProm. What a fabulous ability!

TEE1010 Part 5 - Song Mode - An FCB1010 rebuild with a Teensy 4.1

I’m am rebuilding a FCB1010 into something that is more capable. To do this I have gutted the internals and installed a Teensy 4.1 and Teensy Audio card. I have delusions of it working like a bass pedal, MIDI sequencer and/or drum machine.

In this Video I explain how I included a Song Mode which allows 100 patterns of up to 32 notes to be constructed and saved on the Teensy in its EEProm. Patterns are saved in Banks which can be selected using the Foot Pedals 1-5.



Code Link: GitHub

Hi John,

Once again, it’s fantastic to see the progress on this one! Especially that you seem to have made an entire sequencer from scratch!

I’ll be watching this one with interest!

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Thanks James. Currently adding drums…