I’m looking to create a proof of concept with a raspberry pi and thinkmagic module to count cards that are merchandised and send back updates to a cloud. (think gift cards on a retail stand that have a uhf module installed)
Pi will need 4G modem, gift card walls at shops are generally 3-4sqm so will need an antenna compatible with the thinkmagic for that read range.
Could someone please assist with the BOM required to kick off this project?
Hi @David229958
Welcome to the forum!
For the UHF side of things you would be looking at something like SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M7E Hecto | Buy in Australia | WRL-24738 | Core Electronics and UHF RFID Antenna (RP-TNC) | Buy in Australia | WRL-14131 | Sparkfun | Core Electronics.
The other parts required will be highly dependant on how you want to go about it, and also what resources are on hand (ethernet, mains power, etc.)
Thanks Dan, we will use a raspberry pi with a usb modem for connectivity all connected to mains power