i have got the rpi-4 board to boot from usb…that is working
the usb 3 ports still seem to have an issue using 20,10 ubuntu…
i swapped out my hdd over to the usb 2 ports and it works ok…
so is there still an issue with the usb 3 ports…
ok so i limited the memory to 3 gig like i did in the past to get the usb 3 ports to function …i dont think i ever have and i have had my board for approx a year now…i`d say…
i`m running an m-2 and usb bridge adapter it is really good butr would be faster on the usb 3 ports i am shure…
i have the first revision board would it be 1.1 from mem
also i set in the config file some extra parameters like
i have not checked to speed as yet but i have had the board running at 2 gig before and for quite some time…i came into the ubuntu era earlier this year or late last year i really cannot remember…
this code to check cpu speed
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq
free -t to check memory size useage
Hi Brian,
I’m guessing you are talking about the live boot ubuntu install. I believe that you may have to format the SD card directly and use the specific RPi Ubuntu image. The normal, Ubuntu image won’t work for raspberry pi. Here is a link: https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi
the problem i have is specific to the usb 3 ports…
i used the image from that download page …
i reprogrammed the eeprom to boot from usb
i added this to the file Boot_Order=0x4
there still seems to be an issue surrounding them the usb 3 ports
my M:2 usb bridge is still rather fast even at usb 2 speeds…;
not many users go for ubuntu as opposed to debian…
however i know ubuntu more than debian…even though they are basically one of the same…well ubuntu became from debian so too a lot of other distro`s…
i tried earlier with a sandisk ultra 64gb usb stick it was very slow on the usb3 ports …took ages longer than it should have so there is still an usb issue as far as i am concerned…
Hi Brian,
The ubuntu method of USB booting is different to raspbian. Check out these tutorials on how to, I would recommend the first it is much simpler than trying to do this without an SD card.
hmm @Mitchell i think it is more size related at present …
1:usb card reader and sd-card into usb 3 port ::not lightning fast but fast faster than sd-card slot…?? hard to say
2 usb 64 gig sandisk ultra flash drive into usb3 port rather slow
3 m2 sata usb bridge and 120 gig wd green drive into usb3 port really slow took ages i mean ages…the resizing never seemed to end…
all of the above devices into a usb 2 port work rather fast…much faster then when plugged into a usb 3 port
theory…eeprom not ready for high size drives…??
not shure…but usb card reader and sd-card into usb3 was the fastest …
why i have no idea…is my board faulty…?? good question…
the ports work but are slow usb 3 ports even when i plug storage drives into them
…this has been an ongoing issue for some time…weather it has been resolved i thought it had, my rpi-4 is one of the fist batches rev1 so to speak…i looking at an rpi -4 8 gig board as soon as money permits…
Hmmm, that seems odd. I am certain that many people are set up to run Ubuntu off an SSD in USB 3.0, the point of that being it is larger and faster, is your drive setup exactly through the method specified above? Have you tested a file transfer through them? is that slow?
file transfer has always been slow i think it`s due to hardware…i don’t know if any board or drive combination is faster than the other…but i have always had issues with the usb 3 ports on the pi until 19.10 Ubuntu…but even now i cannot boot the m2 usb stick off the usb 3 ports…i setup the eeprom from the guide on both here and the Ubuntu pages so it is not a matter of it finding or selecting the drive via the eeprom…i am shure that part i have correct .
this is my eeprom text: