I’ve seen a couple of old posts on this. I was wondering is anyone had any recent success with Ubutu on the Raspberry Pi 4B?
After struggling with the 4GB Pi 4B I eventually gave up: I tried the work-around of setting “total_mem=3072” but to no avail.
I did get Ubutu 64 bit to load on a Ras Pi 4 B 2GB, but it kept crashing during boot up (initial boot up was fine, but subsequent boot ups froze). I did overclock both the CPU and GPU with cooling.
Should I just stick to the 32 bit? It seems a bit of a shame given the RasPi 4’s potential.
Have not done it myself, I thought the latest versions got over the 4gb issue.
I am sure you have seen this https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi but it just says 64 bit will be slightly faster on Pi 4.
Good luck, sorry I could not add anything.
They seem to make it simple on the Ubuntu website, but I’m starting to think it may be more trouble than it’s worth. I might just have to revert to using Raspbian. I’ve had more success with 32 bit Ubuntu, but 64 bit just won’t work for me despite the recommended work around. I might have to wait until the next version of Ubuntu. They may improve RPi support in time.
you may run into video mismatch problems between your screen and the rpi-4 64 bit image
which means you may need to define video settings into the usercfg.txt file
if you have a usb to uart adapter you can verify that the image booted via a putty window from the rpi console using a windows machine
Below I’ve linked a suitable tutorial in case you needed to learn how to SSH into your Pi. Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can do to help!