USB/TTL Raspberry Pi GPS Tracker (TEL0119)

This is a placeholder topic for “USB/TTL Raspberry Pi GPS Tracker” comments.

USB/TTL Raspberry Pi GPS tracker is a small GPS location module. It is using L80-39 GPS chip, which includes 66 search channels and 22 simultaneous tracking channels. … read more

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9 posts were split to a new topic: GPS Tracker Question

so i have followed the instructions on USB-Port-GPS Module SKU:EZ-0048 - 52Pi Wiki
I cant get a lock. When I do a sudo cgps -s
all I get is Time and time offset displaying everything else as N/a and no fix.
I performed a cat /dev/ttyUSB0 device or resource busy.
Its the only thing using usb.
Also under the /etc/default/gpsd for gpsd_options="-F /var/run/gpsd.sock <— is it sock or socket and is there a space between gpsd. and sock/socket?
PS. I have serial enabled under raspi-config anything else I need enabled maybe?

Ok so update. Managed to get a lock.
However, following instructions on this website:
If I do a ntpq –pn, I only get pps showing and not the gps.
Is there something wrong in them instructions?

1 Like is set for gps under ntp.conf
Now I get gps showing under ntpq but it’s not showing any responses. However gpsmon shows gps is 3D fixed etc.