Hi, I’m looking to set up my taz6 remotely as I print at home but work elsewhere, i want to be able to run a webcam and control the print via my mobile phone if possible so if I have an issue with the print I can stop it till I return home.
Can anyone help with what I need to connect all this stuff to have it work for me?
Thanks heaps
I’ve written a great little tutorial for the setup process for OctoPi, a standalone Operating system that runs on a Raspberry Pi that hosts 3D Printers for network access! Take a look here for the write-up.
If you need the bits and pieces to get one up and running, we’ve put together a kit that should get you out of trouble. You can see that one here. It comes with everything you need, you’ll just need to print the Camera housing and you’ll be set to monitor your printer from anywhere.
A worthwhile mention would also be the Timelapse Project we put together.
Great information. Thanks.
So what else would I require to have a fully functioning system? Camera?
Adam Burt
Detailed Design