Is anyone had luck connecting Raspberry Pi Camera Board v2 into OctoPrint to monitor the 3d print?
I tried everything not having luck.
Hi Christy,
What kind of issues are you having?
Hi Jack, it doesnt display the camera keep telling no camera to connect C
Hi Christy,
OctoPi OS has 2 different versions, 1 with some updated camera options. Do you know which one you are using?
Hi Jack,
Using option 2, havent check if option 1 is going to work?
Hi Jack,
After few attempt I tried the version 1, now it started working. This could be firmware upgrade on the pi / 3D
Just thought of letting you know it seems to be capturing the camera feed now.
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Glad to hear its working. Let us know if you run into any issues from here.
Have a great weekend!
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