I want to make decorative lamp like this and I want to put two or one 5V led modules which will fit inside. What options I could use?
Length of the transparent plastic will be 500mm in total and width 10mm. I want that all the light will be well spread through all transparent material and the lamp module or modules will be only in center. And I hope it look like this, for example:
White LED Backlight Module - Small 12mm x 40mm : ID 1626 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
For now there is the hole 6mmx6mm through all the material but I don’t know it is better to fill it fully and the light will spread better or keep the cut and maybe the results will be equally good? I can alternate plexi glass wall now I designed them as 2mm but I can reduce them to 1 mm or fill tem fully. In the examples of car interior lighting strips they are using plastic pipes or fully filled strips with plastic?