Which driver for Nema 14

Hello, I’m making a prototype for an automated smart blind, and I’m wanting to buy 2 Nema14 stepper motors to run it. It will be lifting a honeycomb/cellular blind (one of the lightest styles of blind) up and down. I have a proof of concept working prototype using a 28BYJ-48 stepper motor, ULN2003 Driver, and a Particle Photon.

I want to continue doing the Particle Photon, but am unsure if the ULN2003 is an appropriate driver for the NEMA14. What do you think is the best driver for the NEMA14 in this scenario?

The current working prototype runs is powered through the particle photon, I will need to add external power source for the NEMA14. Any recommendations on the type of battery I should buy for this type of application?

I have included a diagram and photo of the current working prototype.

I have done some electronics prototyping before, but it’s still a new field for me. Any advice is appreciated, thank you.


Whether or not you can use the ULN2003 will depend on the specifications of the motor. There are many types of NEMA14 motors that would draw more current then the ULN2003 can support. The driver you select will depend on the current requirements of the motor that you choose, but in general there is no reason to stick with a simple h-bridge: full-feature drivers are not much more expensive and will include things like over-current protection.


Hi, trying to do the same, could I get the code?

As Jeff already stated, the operation depends on the stepper motor’s specification. I think the motor’s datasheet is the most dependable source of info in this regard. However, here are some suggestions about driving nema motors with photon.