Hi all, FTFP,
I have 2.45 N.m, 3.6V, 3 amps rated stepper motors. Can anyone recommend which motor driver that would suit an Arduino Uno. I need to run 2, maybe three motors.
I appreciate I will need a separate power supply. The model is 23hd86001y-21b stepper motors.
What are you intending to use the motor for? If it is likely that you will be running it at the maximum rated current then you need a big driver. This one has the required rating, supports micro stepping, has a simple step/direction interface and a 42V maximum:
TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver | DFRobot DRI0043 | Core Electronics Australia (core-electronics.com.au)
If you are considering multiple steppers then you can look at a board with multiple drivers, such as
Synthetos gShield (grblShield) V5 | Adafruit ADA1750 | Core Electronics Australia (core-electronics.com.au)
This device is commonly used for steppers of this type and the drivers are current limited so they are protected. This is by far the easiest way to get up and running with multiple motors with an Arduino. Note that while it is designed for running GRBL it can just as easily be used as a generic driver.
At the less expensive end of the scale is this one:
Makerverse Motor Driver 2 Channel | Core Electronics Australia (core-electronics.com.au)
which suports 2 motors with current limiting but a maximum of only 2A and 16V, so would not be able to get full torque out of that motor. Also, I can’t see that it has selectable microstepping.
You should also consider what power supply you will use, as some drivers have a maximum voltage of only 10-12V.
Hey Boyd,
Welcome to the forums!
Jeffs recommendations are exactly what I would recommend as well, unfortunately with stepper motors of that type, you are going to be hard pressed to find something that will run multiple motors in a reasonable price range. I don’t believe the TC78H660FTG on the MakerVerse motor driver is capable of micro stepping, though is meant to be a simplistic way of getting your motor up and running for projects.
Thanks, Gents,
I like the look of the TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver. I have a Mean Well LRS-350-24RS which will suit.
Much appreciate the quick replies.