Wio Terminal LoRaWan Chassis with Antenna- built-in LoRa-E5 and GNSS, EU868/US915 (SS114992728)

This is a placeholder topic for “Wio Terminal LoRaWan Chassis with Antenna- built-in LoRa-E5 and GNSS, EU868/US915” comments.


Powerful LoRa module: use extremely compact, and high-performance LoRa-E5 module

Embedded LoRaWAN® protocol, AT command, support global…

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Hi there. Have you one any integration testing on AU915 to see if the unit runs on CH8-15 rather than CH 0-7?

Hi Peter,

I’ve done some digging and fixed the links to the datasheets on the product page.

The AT command sheet seems to show some info on the channels it can use, but I haven’t worked with this module (or LoRa much at all) so I’ll try and get some of the LoRa enthusiasts on our team to have a look at this one.

Hang tight!

All the links on that product page are broken, they all have a bogus search term, eg



Hey Peter,

The LoRa radio that it uses: SX126X will be able to work across the whole ISM band no worries. It’s down to the gateways to be listening on them. You can check out the rough area where they are located and the plan they are using on https://ttnmapper.org/

In the LoRa E5-AT commands bit down the bottom they have a formula for the actual frequency used:

Here’s another useful couple of links:

Channels 8-15 (916.8-918.2MHz) are in the uplink portion of frequencies on the plans over on ttn’s website so should work: Frequency Plans | The Things Network

With the move to TTNv3 happening and not a lot of solid docs/gateways updating at the moment I picked up another LoRa transceiver and made up my own datalogger (LoPy4 and Adafruit Bonnet thingo).

I’m keen to see what you come up with!!

Hi Rob,

Your site may be cached with the old info, you should see the correct datasheet links now.


I have solved the problem I was experiencing with rebuilding the LoRa Tester firmware for AU915 CH 8-15 (as used by TTN in Australia).

Follow all the steps in the instructions to update your libraries. But, most importantly, do not forget to set the device to slave mode. This is needed because of a swap in the use of the Tx & Rx data lines. To do this, from the Arduino Menu select TOOLS / ROLE and then select SLAVE. If you don’t do this you will have TX-TX and RX-RX instead of TX-RX and RX-TX. This will then cause all AT commands to the LoRa-E5 to fail and the device console to run slow (as each button press which involves sending a command must time out). To set the frequencies for AU915:

  • open the file :oRaComE5.cpp
  • locate the section headed “// Setup region”
  • change the AU915 entry to:
} else if ( loraConf.zone == ZONE_AU915 ) {
    sendATCommand("AT+DR=AU915","+DR: AU915","+DR: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);
    sendATCommand("AT+CH=0,916.8,0,5","+CH: 0,9168","+CH: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);// set freq for ch 0
    sendATCommand("AT+CH=1,917.0,0,5","+CH: 1,9170","+CH: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);// set freq for ch 1
    sendATCommand("AT+CH=2,917.2,0,5","+CH: 2,9172","+CH: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);// set freq for ch 2
    sendATCommand("AT+CH=3,917.4,0,5","+CH: 3,9174","+CH: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);// set freq for ch 3
    sendATCommand("AT+CH=4,917.6,0,5","+CH: 4,9176","+CH: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);// set freq for ch 4
    sendATCommand("AT+CH=5,917.8,0,5","+CH: 5,9178","+CH: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);// set freq for ch 5
    sendATCommand("AT+CH=6,918.0,0,5","+CH: 6,9180","+CH: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);// set freq for ch 6
    sendATCommand("AT+CH=7,918.2,0,5","+CH: 7,9182","+CH: ERR","",DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,false,NULL);// set freq for ch 7    
  } else {

The commands shown simply set the channels for each of the 8 available uplink frequencies to those used by Sub band 1. The command sets the channel in MHz and then, because the modem returns a frequency in Hz, checks the start of the response to make sure the first 4 characters are correct (there is no point checking all the training zeroes).

You can do the same thing for Sub-Bands 2 to 7 if you are operating in a private environment. The channels go up in 0.2 MHz (200 kHz) steps, so it is easy to work out what each sub band uses.

Ultimately, the list of channel plans could be expanded to include separate custom entries for AU915 SB0 to 7. EG AUSB0, AUSB1, … AUSB7 . You can then extend the Case statements used in the region selection and give your unit the ability to select the correct sub band at startup. But for now, just being able to program it for the desired sub band is plenty!

It also pays to set your device keys in the file keys.h, so that they will be preset when the device boots.


Hi Peter,

Awesome, glad to hear you got it up and running!! :smiley:
Hopefully this helps out another fellow maker in the future!
