Adjustable Dual Channel Audio Amplifier (CE09453)

This is a placeholder topic for “Adjustable Dual Channel Audio Amplifier” comments.

Pump up the tunes!! Use this feature-packed audio amplifier to bring a whole new sense to your projects.

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Do you have sample Pico code and wiring for this?


Hi Claire,

I found this library to work well with this driver: GitHub - danjperron/PicoAudioPWM: PWM audio on pico with 8KHz stereo wave file

Here’s a quick wiring diagram for the product, I’d recommend going with Enclosed Speaker - 8 Ohm, 5 Watt | Core Electronics Australia for speaker



Please could you tell me what the maximum output power of the amp is?

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Hi Jim
As with any Class D amplifier that will depend on input DC voltage (2.5 - 5.5V) and speaker impedance (4Ω or 8Ω).

There should be a chart with that info but I note in this case there is none. You might get some info with the IC data sheet if you can find out what IC is used.
Cheers Bob

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Hi Jim,

At 4Ω the output is 3W.

It uses a PAM8406. I’ve updated the store page with that info and the datasheet.

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Hi Jack

At what voltage, and is this per channel or total power?
Cheers Bob

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My intepretation was total at 5V.

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Hi Jim
Now we know what the IC is (thanks Jack) the data sheet tells us this.

This should answer your question.
Cheers Bob


That’s great. Thanks Bob and Jack.