Bespoke Dual LaunchPads Controller. Teensy Microcontroller sequencing Volca Bass, FM and Drum
Now using two Launchpads to get 16 steps! The Launchpads are effectively a large screen and keyboard in one. Great fun!
This is a bit of a test run using the probability pad to chose some random notes and beats.
Hi John,
It’s always a treat to see what you’ve been working on. Now that you’ve got two launchpads running at once I can’t help but wonder if this is the beginning of a slippery slope, with always more and more launchpads for ever larger DIY synths.
Either way, I’m keen to see where your experiments lead.
Or should that be “Mwah ha ha”…1
Pretty sure I could add more, but I’m not sure I want to spend more on it.
Thanks for your nice comment.
- Is this how an evil madman laughs?
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Using my Bespoke Teensy Controlled Dual Launchpad system.
This is more of a demonstration of jamming using my system than a great Jam. 
No patterns were created before starting. I used the random pattern function to generate one pattern and I also tested some new functions:
Volca FM: Nice drone sounds
Volca Keys: Crunchy Delay/Echo
RD-6: Drums
TD-3: Random pattern
Random patterns generated by Teensy Microcontroller. ChatGPT eat your heart out!
Using my bespoke Teensy controlled system to generate some random patterns on the fly. The Launchpads are the screen and keyboard for the system.