I added two more MIDI outputs to the Teensy so 4 independent synths can be controlled.
4 independent outputs.
4 independent sequences with 4 independent 8 note bars. Mix and match.
Notes can be entered on the fly and changed as played.
Accent and Slide available for 303 synths
Probability per note per sequence
Independent gate length per note (same for all synths)
Two main screens - Note entry/play and Control mode
Mute/Solo Synth
Octave shift per synth
Reverse bar/Pattern play per synth
Random note play per synth
Transpose root note
Change between 8 different scales
Help on OLED screen
Stutter for one synth (not shown on this video)
Notes can be muted or skipped (for polyrhythms). (not shown on this video) Re-trigger to realign bar.
Yeah! Another music project from John
What a feat of programming and a great demo! Are you planning to make the project open source?
I’ve really enjoyed the projects you’ve been sharing on the forums - especially the generative onces. So delightful and creative.
Thanks! It seems to work well, but needs some tweaking. I probably will make it open source but it needs some cleaning up before I do so. In the mean time the “Naughts and Crosses” version has been submitted as a project so people will be able to see how that works…
Jam - Bespoke Launchpad/Teensy Sequencer with 3 Volcas (Bass, Keys, FM) and NTS 1
Upgrade to the Teensy controlled Launchpad sequencer on my my previous video. In this new version it has for each synth:
New screens to show current active step range.
Start and stop anywhere in the 64 steps. (Individual notes can still be skipped)
Save/load current notes to Teensy EEPROM.
Copy Paste from any steps to any steps
1, ½, ¼, and ⅛ tempo.
OLED screen shows notes active and play head for each synth
Probably something else I’ve forgotten. Speaking of forgetting, I intended to set one synth to loop 64 notes and another to play 63 of the same pattern and forgot to set this. Next jam I will…
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RD-6 enhancements via MIDI with ratchet, probability and variable pattern lengths per sound - Controlled by Teensy/Launchpad with Volcas.
I like the sounds of the RD-6 drum machine but it’s missing some controls that I like. So,
I have made some more enhancements to my Teensy/Launchpad controller with drums in mind:
(Designed to work with RD-6 MIDI input numbers)
Individual Beat Ratchett
Individual Beat Probability
Beat lengths: 4 seperate bars of 16 beats, Can be shorter or longer for each drum sound
Saves Drum beats to Teensy EEProm
Different Colours for each Drum/Cymbal
Different intensities of LEDs depending on active Drum/Cymbal
Drums are sent on the same DIN as synth 1. The orange one.
Synths are not forgotten…
- Chord Mode. Triads chosen automatically to fit current key for each synth per step