DIY Daft Punk Helmets

Ahhh, Halloween time, the highly debated holiday over this side of the Pacific ocean. Well, it’s just gone past us pretty fast. Luckily, there is a massive influx of fantastic costumes and props that people around the world have been sharing. This particular project stood out to me, though; maybe it’s cause it’s made by a regular guy who decided to take advantage of the portability of electronics, or maybe cause it’s Daft Punk helmets that you can make at home. It’s probably the Daft Punk thing, to be honest.


I’m continuously impressed by the ingenuity of people that have the maker toolset and how they create awesome things like this project. That’s easily doubled when the sheer amount of effort shines through, and the overall aesthetic of the finished project just amazes you. That’s what ViralTHM did when he went to the effort of fabricating the helmets; leveraging all sorts of techniques such as the visor tinting, LED matrix displays, chrome finishing and the rest.

If you want to see the full project build, it’s been uploaded here with annotations, comments, schematics etc.

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