Kinetic sculpture/ running up to 20 step motors via parametric modelling (Rhino/ Grasshopper)

Hi there, question please.
I am looking to run up to 20 step motors at the same time (with different stepper target for each).

I understand that the Arduino mega 2560 R3 can run up to 8 motors only?
Stepper target definition would run via Rhino/Grasshopper.


Hi Joachim,

You will need a stepper motor driver to use a stepper motor with Arduino. You can run 3 or 4 Stepper motors with an Arduino Mega and as many stepper motor drivers:

You can drive even more stepper motors with one of these to gain more PWM outputs:

I’m not sure how you would interface with Rhino though :slight_smile:

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Hi Stephen, thank you - much appreciated!
Will have a closer look at the PWM driver.


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Talk about a week late: Adafruit have just released a motor driver HAT for the Pi zero. Might be worth considering for your next project.

Core will probably stock in due course, but here’s a link anyway.